85 degrees this afternoon! Refreshing, considering it was 31 on Monday, and I was forced to scrape the frost from the windshield of my car.
Found some baby chipmunks living under the shed steps:
Both were about the size of a golf ball. I was able to get pretty close before they took cover under the step.
This guy's been foraging around the yard for a few weeks now, and I'm sure is responsible for matting down my Snow-In-Summer. I'll allow it though - due to excessive cuteness:
Looks like my Double Mock Orange will finally bloom this summer. I started these from 6 inch shoots 3 years ago. Now I'm going to have to find a permanent home in the yard for them:
Of course, it's also tent caterpillar season as well. Bastards:
Time to put the potted Plumeria outside for some sun. Poor thing goes dormant every winter when we bring it inside, and loses all it's leaves. About a week ago, it sprouted this cauliflower-like growth on top. Google tells me it's called an "inflo", and means we'll have flowers soon!
Once outside, by July it should have a few robust leaves. For now, it looks more like an alien ovipositor, or a giant, green hoo-ha:
Have a great weekend everyone!