At least it gave me time on Saturday to do yard work. The shrubbery at the front of the house has eaten the electrical box-thingy, so it was time to trim it back. There's also piles of weeds that need pulling, along with a sapling that's growing directly out of said ravenous shrubbery.
I don't' get it. I pull weeds, put down paper to kill weeds, add mulch, yet I still get weeds. Maybe it's the weather, or the fact that we live in the country. It's been raining more than usual, and anything left still long enough will invariably end up with weeds, wildflowers and a multitude of spiders living in it. The forest does not part with anything willingly. I figure if I spend too many hours outside, you'd find me rooted to the spot with crown vetch wound around my ankles, and spiders nesting in my ears.
Speaking of crown vetch, we seem to have a lot of it. A quick Google search finds that it's not naturally occurring, and quite invasive.
We have tons of this stuff in one corner of the property. It looks nice for about 5 minutes when it's flowering, but once the deer decide to bed down in it, it looks like hell. Did also also mention the invasive part? I found some of it throttling a tree.
I assume one of the previous owners planted this crap to keep the dirt from eroding into the electrical box, which is at the bottom of a small gully. I've been trying to kill it off for years now, but nothing works.
Seeing there was no easy way to dislodge this much weediness, I broke down and weed-whacked the level parts, then used my own mitts for pulling the tumbleweeds out of the gully. In the process, I inadvertently disturbed a rabbit's home. I yanked a huge section of weed near the electrical box, looked down and thought, “Well, geez. That's a strange looking rock.”.
Not rock. Small bunny.
Not a baby, but not an adult either. Old enough to get by on it's own though. Dude was trying desperately to make himself look as flat as possible, down in the leaves and dirt. He didn't move, so I reached down to pick him up. I just about got my (gloved) hands around him when he bolted for the nearby shrubbery.
Which is fine, there's plenty of places to hide around here. I just worry that he's going to become dinner for the neighborhood stray cat society.
I didn't find anything else really interesting except a rather large snake skin, which, disturbingly enough, was found about 3 feet up in the hedge.
In other news, Leo is four and a half months old now and huge. He's roughly the same size as our last cat – when she was adult. He's muscular, and looks like he'll be a monster-sized adult cat.