We have approximately fifteen inches of snow here in Pennsylvania. Some areas got more, some less. Fifteeen is more than enough.
The governor hasn't reopened the main highway near here. Since I live in the middle of Nowheresville, many of our secondary roads are still unplowed and closed.
We normally have snowy winters here, and the average storm can often bring us four to five inches at a time. However, this is a bit extraordinary.
Here's some preliminary photos from last night. I'll post more later today.

Is that the new Volvo? I like it. Can't say I like the snow, though. By the way, here in Wyoming it's bone dry.
Yep, that's the new(ish) car. It's awesome!
I can't begin to tell you how much snow there is. The photos just don't do it justice. Plus, since the sun came out, the fluffy stuff "settled". I wish I had gotten a picture yesterday while the snow was still falling. Amazing.
Haven't you guys gotten any big storms in Wyoming this year?
Nope, just a few small ones. We'll probably get slammed in March or April.
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