Monday, June 11, 2012

Spider Babies

Every year, we have a wolf spider that lives under a big flat rock in our backyard. Actually, I don't know if it's the same spider, it's just that there's always one under there. If it's not the same one, then apparently this rock is simply prime real estate.

Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the eight legged beasties, but this one never bothered me much. As long as it stayed under the rock.

More recently, it had been carrying a white ball of eggs around. It even made itself a little hole in the dirt so it could snuggle up with it.

So yesterday during a backyard barbecue, we checked to see if it was still there. It was, and it had company:

Click to enlarge, if you dare...

It's hard to see, but that lumpy stuff on the spider's back are babies. Lots and lots of spider hatchlings, which I hope will remain outdoor critters and not come anywhere near my house.


Cherie Cayemberg said...

Gross! Glad you explained where the babies were because I would never have expected that!

Unknown said...

I realized after I posted it was really hard to tell what they were. But...if you're brave, go to youtube and type in "wolf spider babies" and there's a few videos of ones you can really see well. Actually, the kiddoes might find it interesting...